After the first match we decided to not use Kuddel for the next match to take it easy on him, as some parts had been broken.So now we had time to concentrate on the Darwins and thoroughly tested the goalkeeper behaviour of Wheatly and tried to teach Tamara how to kick in a way that would move the ball. We were supported by the manufacturer of the Darwins, ROBOTIS, by half a pizza for each of us.
The match didn’t start well, we were playing with just two robots due to hardware defects which couldn’t be repaired in the short period of time. Wheatly was goalkeeper as planned and acted very well and threw himself down whenever he thought he was seeing a ball, it was just not the real ball. Latter hardly moved in the time, either Tamara and our opponents robots just moved around near the ball. Additionally, the motors in Tamaras knee were under different forces so that one side was put on stress more than the other. This caused her to give way and fall with increasing frequency.
Thus in the second half of the match Tamara became the goalkeeper and Wheatly field player, as well as Fiona who tried to help the two. We actually managed to kick the ball, moving it for about 10 cm. So this game also ended 0-0 and we hope to have more luck in the next game against the empty goal.
On the positive side, our banner is well visible for visitors and other teams, our flyers are taken along and we distribute our buttons to children whenever possible. We even passed a comment for the local television.