Today is already the last day of the German Open. Here a short overview of what we did the last days.
We made sure the software was running correctly on all robots so that they are able to play. We worked on Minibot’s walking, and transferred existing motion sequences of Minibot standing up to the new system. Also we put plates under Minibot’s feet, to expand the foot area.

The vision continued working (here a small correction: our vision was not made faster by simply removing features that we don’t need but through algorithm optimisation). We can now change or adapt parameters over wlan while the robot is running

(Black circles are balls that are disregarded, since they are over the horizon, the red line.)
Parts of our working group were busy debugging and revising the GameController. We also worked on a tool to visualise what the robot thinks or knows about the field, like its localisation and where it assumes the ball to be.

Having just one Minibot-robot posed a significant problem in the last days . Since software engineering is focused on the future and thus on software for the Minibot-platform, we need Minibot for lots of testing. Since we worked on vision, behavior, walking and standing-up, several people needed to wait for their turn.
We had planned to already have a second Minibot by now, but due to delays in production sequence we don’t have it yet. In the future it will be essential to have a second (better even a third) Minibot to not delay working on code or testing.
The article about the games from yesterday will hopefully follow shortly after this one.