IranOpen 2018: Setup Days

With loads of luggage and close to no sleep we finally arrived in Teheran. We didn’t get much time to rest, because just two hours after the arrival at our hotel we had to depart to the venue and begin with the setup.

Everything seems to be a bit more organized in comparison to our experiences in the last years. Just a few hours later we actually had power and internet access, and we could begin our preparations. Lucky for us, as there were lots of things to be done: Besides having to prepare our two Minibots, this year for the first time we bring two new participants to the IranOpen. While we expect the two new robots, produced by the WF Wolves, to improve our performance, the new platform also brings some new difficulties with it.

By now the damages caused by the flight are fixed and our software is on a good way to be up and running by tomorrow morning. Our robots have been measured and this year we also got a (very brief) referee training. We will now use the rest of the day to keep working on our software, so that we will be ready for our first game tomorrow at 8:30 AM. We can’t wait to see what the following days will bring.


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