The qualified teams for the championship in RoboCup for 2019 have been published. We are happy to be one of the 20 teams which is allowed to participate in the Humanoid Kid Size League.
We are one of the 19 Teams, which is fully qualified. This means we are allowed to play in the regular games as well as in the Drop-in games. One team is only qualified to play the Drop-in games.
Drop-in games are a special game mode. In this game mode multiple teams provide one robot each to form a temporary joint team. These teams are randomly chosen. While cooperation between teams is the main focus of this form of competition, each robot is scored individually based on their performance.
The Drop-in games might be especially relevant in this year, because it is currently being voted on to use the results of the Drop-in games for the seeding for the group phase of the tournament.
In the Humanoid Teen Size League 10 teams are qualified. We are taking part in this league with our cooperation partner the WF Wolves. In this league 8 teams are fully qualified and 2 teams are only qualified for the Drop-in games.
All teams, their qualification videos, Team Description Paper as well as the robot specifications can be seen here:
We are very excited to take part in the championship in Sydney and are very hopeful to be very successful in this year!