Today we were busy working again.
At 8 a.m. we got up, had a quick breakfast and went straight back to our modern age notebooks. The beds in our room had to double as desks, testfields and storage racks, so that we have done as much as possible before the Setup-Days starting tomorrow.
In the afternoon we finally dared to go outside – and were promptly rewarded with a heavy downpour. Luckily it went by fast and we were able to enjoy our 2 hour long city tour through the centre of Eindhoven.
Something catched our eyes: The city centre is literally wallpapered with RoboCup advertisements. No expenses were spared and every streetlamp was decorated with a suitable banner. Quite possibly there will be a lot of visitors at the World Cup. We are looking forward to it!
After we just had our third and last meeting for today, we are quickly finishing the programming of the daily changes and taking our time to keep you up-to-date. Tomorrow we have to start loading our van at 6:45 a.m. to get a good place at the competition grounds.