
We happily welcome you on our website of the RoboCup workgroup and the RoboCup project of the Department of Informatics at the University of Hamburg.

The RoboCup workgroup participates in the Humanoid Kid Size League since 2012 as team “Hamburg Bit-Bots“. It is organised only by students and a voluntary workgroup that is not part of the official university courses. Due to this fact, the workgroup depends on donors and sponsors to be able to maintain the robots.

The team works at teaching humanoid robots how to play soccer. For this purpose, the workgroup used the DARwIn-OP, which was partly modified for the competitions. In the time from 2015 to 2018, we also worked with two self-developed robots the Hambot and Minibot. Since 2017 we are using ROS as the software framework and our Wolfgang robot platform which is a descendant of the NimbRo platform. Our codebase is open source and publicly available at GitHub.

On this website we present our current research through text and pictures. In the News we post regularly about our progress, therefore we upload papers, videos and pictures which document our work. For questions and suggestions, you can find our contact address in the legal info.