The Bit-Bots landed more or less safely at the Hamburg Airport yesterday evening. The Team looks back at a successful world cup, with a lot of knowledge sharing with other teams and some smaller, hard earned, successes (our robot actually threw the ball!).
An official ranking which takes into account the technical challenges unfortunately has not been published yet. Because we made 8 Points there, and only six teams dared to approach the challenges, we hope for a place in the top-ten despite our defeats. Currently only the results of the individual games can be viewed online.
While the team members that attended the world cup still recuperate from their jet-lag we have prepared some visualisation of the work on our software within the last weeks.
The nodes of this tree-structure represent files and folders in the main development branch of our version control system.
One day reflects to roughly 10 seconds of the visualisation and you can see how developers modify the project with each commit (green = add, orange = modify, red = delete). At June the 15. was the take-of for the team. You can clearly see how the competition had impact on our activity. (The Time reflects to CEST, the local Mexican time is -7 hours)
For the technical interested: We use gource as a visualisation tool for git. Linux-Users can install it directly via their software-center.
If you change to a directory containing a git-repository and execute “gource”, it will render a nice visualisation of your own project.
Pretty much of a show for just 10 seconds of work!