The Bold Hearts had the better team and beat us 1:2.
Again there were some critical situations with possibilities of own goals
but both teams were lucky to be spared from this event.
In case of the Bold hearts though it was only because of a controversial referee decision, who declared an “illegal defence” just in the moment when the robot shot the ball into his own goal. So the game could very easily have ended with a draw.
Even though this decision was not according to the rules, it is the referee who has the final say and we accept this decision (especially as own goals are really terrible and the Bold Hearts scored more regular goals than we did).
Our goal scorer again was Tamara, who already scored in Magdeburg and in the first round robin. Of course Tamara is also our youngest robot and accordingly fit concerning the joints. Now she is proudly wearing (besides a new bow in the hair) two badges of silver tape – one for each World Cup goal.