After a long game, which draw the energy of our robots as well as of our humans, we are now officially the winner of the intermediate round.
To our disappointment there where no goals. Although our opponents had massive problems with their robots and where not even present on the field for extended periods we did not manage to score a regular goal (even though our robots did try).
So it came to the penalty shootout.
We did not manage to score there as well, because we shot the ball to far (so we where not allowed to shoot a second time) and to short (so the ball did not reach the goal line).
As the first 5 attempts did not result in any goal the referee ordred the execution of another 5 tries.
The Opponent managed to improve their fieldie so that he was able to make a few shooting attempts – but only one shot deserved that name. Their 10th attempt came close to our goal – and our goalie Glados did throw himself in the correct direction.
The last resort for finding a winner had to be chosen: A race.
The Robot to reach the ball in a shorter time period is the winner.
Both teams managed to update their software to the new challenge within just a minute,
and in the end it was a question of the better hardware.
Our Robots are bigger and have stronger motors, so Tamara did reach the ball in 7 seconds. The enemy did not reach the ball and fell backwards shortly before touching it. Surprisingly Tamara did not fall (though touching the ball while falling would have counted as “reached”).
We are quite happy about entering the second round robin, but the way we reached this games decision was not to our satisfaction.
Our victory was not unearned though, because we where much more present on the field and had a higher ability to play. Also we did shoot 2 goals in the first round robin – whilst our opponent did not manage to score at all.
As our next game will be at 16:45 we are now a little stressed to make a good impression there.
But we’d like to state that it was a good decision to buy new batteries and chargers in advance to this competition, because we are now able to endure long and several games in short succession. We where even able to lend Batteries to the Israeli Team for their penalty shoot-out which had a similarly bad battery situation like we had last year.