Today was our last pure preperation day. Tomorrow at 3:30 pm it will get serious for us, with a game against an iranian team that apparently scored quite well during the last worldcup.
Apart from many hardware works we also tested our software at a larger scale – most notably with the test game against the Fumanoids we mentioned before. Although we lost, scoring 1:2, we are quite satisfied with this first real test. At least we managed to make a long distance shot directly from the center-line into the enemy goal.
At our accommodation we had to switch our rooms to our inconvenience this morning because of some strange bookings.
Well, at least the bigger part of our luggage was already in the hall, so we could do that quite quickly.
We also took a short ammount of time to have a quick look around the other competition-areas.
Overall we find the setup to be quite fitting – especially regarding the integration of visitors.
Almost all areas from all leagues are easy to be watched – despite that the seggregation between visitors and team-areas is given by access-checks. The singnposting is good as well.
The organiser made sure enough network and power-plugs are available, albeit we already lost power several times at our table.
We are hoping this problem won’t occur during critical phases for us.
The amount of helpers is quite high, for general amusement their shirts are orange, in other words ball-colored. Simple image-processing modules are going to be confused by that.
Several gastronomy areas are present, with accordingly high pricing – nothing in comparison to switzerland though, as we know from “Robots On Tour
During our walk we were also reminded why we like to play in our league and not the standard plattform league.
We saw a backstage room, labeled “Nao Clinic”, and tried to get a nice picture from the ~20 Naos sitting there on a table.
“Sorry no photos allowed, this is not the kind of impression we’d like to give to our custumers.” – lucky for them, we are not their “custumers” 🙂
Our two designated referees, Jessica and Bente, also had to endure the quite long training for the rules to be fit for the games they have to rule begining from tomorrow. The first game to be overseen is tomorrow 8:30 am.
That is why we have to quit chatting for today and go to bed.
Wish us the best, tomorrow 3:30 pm!