Again a eventful day reached its end.
Due to exhaustion (many long days for us) we must present you the daily report a little delayed.
While the visitors anticipated the arrival of the Queen of the Netherlands, we where already busy making our preperations for our first game of the day. She arrived at the second of our halftime break and was able to observe us while we where servicing our robots for the next half. It did not help us though. Although we reached a third place in our group and did quite well against the former years runner-up we did not reach the quarter final. At least our new calibration-carpet did prove to be a valuable instrument in our gaming perperations.
For now this means, we are going to work on the technical challenge and keep our fingers crossed for the Fumanoids from Berlin, who are the last German team in the end-round.
As a test run for the comming seasons, where we are going to have a bigger field and more players, we made a 5 vs. 5 game on a big-field. Each participating team donated one of their robots for that cause. We had the honour to provide Glados as a goalie for team magenta. To our joy Glados did really well and showed some great parrys. Only one ball did pass him, and the game resulted in a 1:1
RoboCup is more than just soccer playing robots. For example there is the robocup@home, where it is all about domestic service robots who have to fetch various objects and follow certain humans. We did look around there as well today.
Between 9 am and pm there are a lot of visitors in the hall, interested watching the games and preperations.
But how will the teams stay motivated in the 2 hours the visitors have to leave the hall, while the teams are still working?
The simple solution: Cheering robotic fans on a tribune, built by the human visitors themselves during the daytime.