Saturday was also the day where the technical challenges took place.
The TC are about mastering situations that usually don’t appear in regular gaming right now but are wished to be observed during future competitions. To encourage the teams to develop these new techniques additional points are granted for the teams who manage to beat the challenges.
The Teams could attempt the following TC:
- The Throw-In where a ball is to be found, picked up, and thrown over the head as close as possible to a black pylon
- The Dribbling, where a ball has to be manoeuvred around some obstacles in order to score a ball.
- The High-Kick, where the goal is to get a ball as high as possible above the goal-line.
- And the Double-Pass, where two robots have to pass the ball in a certain succession around pylons.
The difficulty for the robots is not to be underestimated and as a result only very few teams managed to beat some of the challenges. During the Throw-In and High-Kick it was really hard to find the correct position around the ball. Especially hard seemed to be the Dribbling, as almost never the route through the obstacles was found.