As usual we were in the hall even before 9 am. But this time there were security checks, everybody was checked, and the backpacks were either scanned or searched per hand. This was done, because a high-level politician (a representative of the province) was expected to come
That day we mainly watched the matches. In our league, the final match was slow and dragged on. The CITBrains (Japan) played against the ZJUDancer (China). After normal time nobody had scored and just in the play-offs the CITBrains scored and became this year’s World Champions.
A lot more interesting was the final match of the middle size league, which was also watched by the representative. They played with driving, one meter high robots which are heavy and quick, and shoot nearly as strong as the average human. A chinese team (Water) and a team of the netherlands (Tech United Eindhoven) made it to the top.
In the first half the match was balanced with the same amount of scoring chances, but the chinese team scored three times and the dutch team once.
The second half was different, the dutch played offensive and scored a goal, but the chinese were more effective and used one of their few chances. So it ended 4:2 and the chinese team “Water” became winner of the league.
Even more exciting was the final of the adult size league, in which the robots are nearly as large as humans. They play one on one and it is the goal to dribble the ball around obstacles and shoot the ball in the goal where the other robot is goalkeeper.
This has to happen within a certain time and proceeds like the penalty shoot out (five alternating chances and play-off afterwards). A team from the USA (THORwIn) and a new team from the Iran (Baset) played. First the US-american team was in the lead with two goals, but after a few miss-kicks the iranian team catched up and the round of decision began.
After several goals in a try of the us-american robot the ball crossed the goalline just after the time had run out, but it counted as the robot had shot before the time was over. Afterwards it was turn of the iranian team, and it looked like the ball would go into the goal, but the robot touched an obstacle which counted as an unsuccessful trial.
After the finals there was a victory ceremony, and to conclude the evening many teams went to the inner city to a few bars.
Thursday they will be at the Symposium, listen to a lot of lectures and present Hambot. Afterwards will be a farewell-party.

RT @HamburgBitBots: China – Day 7: final matches:
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