After the Fumanoids had won against the Bold Hearts with 5:0, we were afraid of our first opponent in the tournament. For some inexplicable reasons (something with WiFi?) the Fumanoids’ robots weren’t operational. Most of time in the first half time they didn’t do anything, while our robots felt to ground in entertaining ways, stood up again, walked some steps, felt again just to walk in the different direction afterwards. The last 30 seconds were the most exiting part of the match. A now working robot of the Fumanoids tried to dribble the ball towards our goal, but felt onto the ball just a few centimeters in front of our goal. The game was whistled to a close: 0-0 — draw.
The match against the Bolds Hearts followed shortly. It was again a mostly unspectacular match. In the final phase of the match one of the Bold Heart’s robots started an attack to their own goal. They had luck, the game was closed by the whistle before the attack could be executed successfully.
For the group phase we reached the seconds place in our group. Tomorrow at 11 am (8:30 am in CEST) we will play against the first Iranian opponent in the intermediate round, AEhuman.
The ranking of the other group was determined by penalty shootout, because all teams had the same amount of points: zero.
Ranking group A:
1. Parand
2. MRL
3. AEhuman
Ranking group B:
1. Fumanoids
2. Hamburg Bit-Bots
3. Bold Hearts
More impressions of the tournament in our image gallery: