Mexiko: Day 5

As mentioned before, we had our first match against the Berlin United – FUmanoids ending with a score of 0:0 this at noon. Since there was no winning-team, we had a penalty shootout in the evening to decide this match. So we had all the afternoon to improve the behaviour of our goal scorer and fix some bugs, that occured during the game.
The penalty shootout was very nerve-wracking for both teams and the spectators from the other teams. The first 5 attempts to score a goal weren’t successfully for any team, so the rules dictate that the following attempts were made without a goalkeeper. After 11 additionals attempts and half an hour later, the Berlin-team was lucky and scored a goal. In our team nearly everything failed and we lost with a score of 0:1.

At the end of the day, we celebrated Maikes birthday (in accordance to the German time) with a nice ‘Happy Birthday’ and a cake.

Wilma in action!

Tomorrow at 14:30, we will continue with a match against the NUBots. Next up: the detailed schedule.
