Outlook on the 2016 season

The new year is in full swing (Gregorian calendar) or it just began
(Chinese calendar). In any case the new season finally started for us.
We just submitted our applications for the Iran Open (04.-08. April in
Tehran) and the World Cup in Leipzig (30.06.-05.07). For the latter we
obviously hope that we once again qualify, in particular since the
German Open won’t take place this year.
Next to the competitions we have events for the University on our
agenda such as the University Day on February 23th between noon and
3pm at the Department of Chemistry, the Girls day on April 28th as
well as projects with school classes.
Meetings within the team will also take place. At the end of the
Month we plan to meet to discuss our future goals as well as agree on
ways to improve our work within the group.

As a little teaser we have our current application video:


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