We currently can not participate with our robots in person due to COVID-19. Of course this does not stop us from continuing to work on our robots. When we found out about the Brazil Open we immediately applied.
To hold the competition even without our robots directly competing the organizers have decided that each team has to present a video where the team presents it self. The video is up to 10 minutes long and presents the team itself as well as their research.
Additionally the teams get to compete with their vision systems. The organizers selected tens of thousands of images of robots to train our systems to detect robots in images. The images were selected from the ImageTagger we have developed.
We already had a lot of fun and are even more excited to compare our results to the results of the other teams. The videos of the teams will be presented on the YouTube channel of the competition tomorrow (Thursday) 13:15 (CEST) and on Friday 14:00 (CEST).
The results from the vision competition will be published when all teams have competed, which at the latest should be on Saturday.